A balanced life or an integrated one?
It's an interesting question - and maybe it's splitting hairs a little depending on your point of view. Still, I think there is a difference.
A balanced life, almost by definition, means that everything is equal. That the time you spend on your career or in your business is equal to the time you spend outside of it. That the time you spend with your family and friends is equal to the time you spend on your personal pursuits.
The thing is...there just aren't enough hours in the day for it to be equal. And, honestly, you are probably not equally interested or committed to each of these areas to give them the same amount of time.
These are the reasons, among other ones, that I prefer the idea of an integrated life. Having each piece of my life and my passions work in synch with the other areas of my life is vastly important. It doesn't make me feel like I have to choose what to focus on because each piece is working together. It means that I can be on a 10-day family vacation and still work with my coach, come up with new ideas for my own clients and strategize my new offerings for upcoming joint ventures. I still fully enjoy the time with my husband and kids - and may be more so because I don't feel torn or like I have to choose.
Each of these is part of who I am - and who I want to be. This is what lifestyle and lifestyle design are all about to me.
What about you? Balanced or integrated...or something else altogether?
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Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Are You The COO of Your Family?
Chief Operating Officer...that is totally my title at the the Peek family business. No, we don't really have a business. It just feels like it.
The day-to-day operations at Chalet Peek will keep any well-qualified COO on their toes. Is there an early morning school club today? Who is going and what time do they need to be there? Taking or buying lunch? Is there a breakfast meeting or early conference call? Holy c*** is the furnace guy coming today?!
And all before 8 a.m.
I am here to say that it is a good thing that the female mind was created or has evolved to be able to handle this. Otherwise, we'd be in a world of hurt on a daily basis...all before 8 a.m.
And, yet, that COO role leaves out key pieces. Pieces that are essential to us being able to keep that ball in play, to make sure that all those pieces of the COO role keep moving along. (I'm thinking that the CEO has it pretty good right now...)
What about those crazed schedules? What about feeling like you can spend time with your family where you don't feel like an air traffic controller? What about that precious self-care that has to be done (or the COO collapses)?
I am tired just writing this...and thinking about the list for tomorrow as Christmas and a 2-week family trip looms before me. Seriously. How can planning a 2-week trip be exhilirating? I'm even wondering how taking one can be...but I bought books to read just in case I get a break :-)
Being the COO of your family and also trying to be that great professional and executive is exhausting. But it doesn't have to be. I can show you how to make the change you want, that you desire, that you need. 2011 is the year to do it. Take your life back. Really. Money, time, relationships. It is sooooo possible.
Tell me what you want and let's make it happen: Jennifer@PeekCoaching.com
I'll be toasting you to a great 2011!
Peace & Prosperity,
The day-to-day operations at Chalet Peek will keep any well-qualified COO on their toes. Is there an early morning school club today? Who is going and what time do they need to be there? Taking or buying lunch? Is there a breakfast meeting or early conference call? Holy c*** is the furnace guy coming today?!
And all before 8 a.m.
I am here to say that it is a good thing that the female mind was created or has evolved to be able to handle this. Otherwise, we'd be in a world of hurt on a daily basis...all before 8 a.m.
And, yet, that COO role leaves out key pieces. Pieces that are essential to us being able to keep that ball in play, to make sure that all those pieces of the COO role keep moving along. (I'm thinking that the CEO has it pretty good right now...)
What about those crazed schedules? What about feeling like you can spend time with your family where you don't feel like an air traffic controller? What about that precious self-care that has to be done (or the COO collapses)?
I am tired just writing this...and thinking about the list for tomorrow as Christmas and a 2-week family trip looms before me. Seriously. How can planning a 2-week trip be exhilirating? I'm even wondering how taking one can be...but I bought books to read just in case I get a break :-)
Being the COO of your family and also trying to be that great professional and executive is exhausting. But it doesn't have to be. I can show you how to make the change you want, that you desire, that you need. 2011 is the year to do it. Take your life back. Really. Money, time, relationships. It is sooooo possible.
Tell me what you want and let's make it happen: Jennifer@PeekCoaching.com
I'll be toasting you to a great 2011!
Peace & Prosperity,
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Like It's Not Hard Enough to Try to Eat Healthy...
Being a busy professional or executive woman has its perks. There are also plenty of challenges - including eating healthy. Even if you know that it makes you feel better, has more long-term health benefits and is a great way to be a role model, it can be a challenge.
So, it's nice when the food companies try to give you a hand.
And darn right frustrating when you think they are helping only to find out that they really aren't. That the claims on nutrition and health are more marketing mush than not. Like the recent settlement involving Dannon and its Activia and DanActive brands.
I want to believe Jamie Lee Curtis - and I want to believe that this stuff has extra goodies to do what it says. Ok, I have never actually eaten it, but that has more to do with personal preference than whether I believed the claims. (For the record, I prefer plain Greek yogurt from Fage just so you know I really do eat yogurt - just not Dannon.)
The point is that all of this really plays to women, busy women in particular who need good food that does them well. Geez. Like it is not challenging enough to eat healthy, trying to do the best things for your body, your energy and your family. Between this and the general issues with nutrition labels in general (like how precise the calorie counts actually need to be to meet the government standards), it can be a battle just to stay even.
No wonder so many of us give up or give in.
There is hope, of course. As mundane as it may sound: eat real food, not the processed stuff claiming to have the answers. Mix it up. Don't eat too much. Thoughts that sound much like Food Rules: An Eater's Manual
- something that is worth reading more than the food labels. Even better, it's really short and the "chapters" are about one page each. A particular bonus for busy women of any kind.
So, it's nice when the food companies try to give you a hand.
And darn right frustrating when you think they are helping only to find out that they really aren't. That the claims on nutrition and health are more marketing mush than not. Like the recent settlement involving Dannon and its Activia and DanActive brands.
I want to believe Jamie Lee Curtis - and I want to believe that this stuff has extra goodies to do what it says. Ok, I have never actually eaten it, but that has more to do with personal preference than whether I believed the claims. (For the record, I prefer plain Greek yogurt from Fage just so you know I really do eat yogurt - just not Dannon.)
The point is that all of this really plays to women, busy women in particular who need good food that does them well. Geez. Like it is not challenging enough to eat healthy, trying to do the best things for your body, your energy and your family. Between this and the general issues with nutrition labels in general (like how precise the calorie counts actually need to be to meet the government standards), it can be a battle just to stay even.
No wonder so many of us give up or give in.
There is hope, of course. As mundane as it may sound: eat real food, not the processed stuff claiming to have the answers. Mix it up. Don't eat too much. Thoughts that sound much like Food Rules: An Eater's Manual
Monday, December 13, 2010
The End of an Era...
I'd like to say that this was going to be some very meaningful, deep blog post.
It's not.
It's simply to say that my daughter finally copped to not believing in Santa Claus. A mere two weeks ago she said she did. Getting that admission wasn't hard - the hard part was getting her to say why she had changed her answer.
After much interrogation (very light-hearted of course), she admitted it was for the presents. I'm pretty sure that is the answer that every child - when pushed - gives. That they want you to believe that they believe so they don't miss out on the goodies.
I'm not so sure adults are much different.
Saving face, saving feelings, making do with the expected norms. Usually, we do it so we don't upset the status quo. But that could be the equivalent of adult presents - it can be so much easier to follow the path and keep getting the goods than to try something new.
To tell the kids or the boss or your spouse "No" and actually mean it - in the context of you coming first.
To feel that connection with your friends and family as you really turn off the work thoughts and demands at the end of the day or the week.
To truly feel a joy and a balance in your life instead of cramming it all in - and then having it jump out at you like a trick can of worms.
Having all that may indeed feel like Santa is here after all.
What you are doing this holiday season to make yourself happier, more joyful, more at peace?
It's not.
It's simply to say that my daughter finally copped to not believing in Santa Claus. A mere two weeks ago she said she did. Getting that admission wasn't hard - the hard part was getting her to say why she had changed her answer.
After much interrogation (very light-hearted of course), she admitted it was for the presents. I'm pretty sure that is the answer that every child - when pushed - gives. That they want you to believe that they believe so they don't miss out on the goodies.
I'm not so sure adults are much different.
Saving face, saving feelings, making do with the expected norms. Usually, we do it so we don't upset the status quo. But that could be the equivalent of adult presents - it can be so much easier to follow the path and keep getting the goods than to try something new.
To tell the kids or the boss or your spouse "No" and actually mean it - in the context of you coming first.
To feel that connection with your friends and family as you really turn off the work thoughts and demands at the end of the day or the week.
To truly feel a joy and a balance in your life instead of cramming it all in - and then having it jump out at you like a trick can of worms.
Having all that may indeed feel like Santa is here after all.
What you are doing this holiday season to make yourself happier, more joyful, more at peace?
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Your Money Breakthrough!
I was interviewed on the Women Warrior's radio show yesterday - what a great time! Lynn and Diane are lots of fun to talk to and the time just flew by.
We talked about a variety of money blocks - how you may have inherited them from your family or friends or even just absorbed them from society. We also covered how these could have helped you in the past but are now holding you back from achieving that next level in your life. This just isn't about money - it's about all areas. If you get hung up on something with money (like working too much or undercharging for your services), it can and will affect other priorities.
You can find out even more by getting this special guide AND visiting the Women Warrior's blog for the tip sheet I created just for them! Both of these are my gifts to you to start 2011 off with a bang - ENJOY!
We talked about a variety of money blocks - how you may have inherited them from your family or friends or even just absorbed them from society. We also covered how these could have helped you in the past but are now holding you back from achieving that next level in your life. This just isn't about money - it's about all areas. If you get hung up on something with money (like working too much or undercharging for your services), it can and will affect other priorities.
You can find out even more by getting this special guide AND visiting the Women Warrior's blog for the tip sheet I created just for them! Both of these are my gifts to you to start 2011 off with a bang - ENJOY!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Two weeks and counting...
It occurred to me today - mostly because I was telling the kids about it - that in 2 short weeks we will be embarking on our latest adventure. EEEKKKK!!!!
It's a whole new thing for us - something we have never done before, something that requires at least a little planning. A two-week trip in very close quarters with plenty of traveling between destination points - and a college football bowl game thrown in for good measure.
My first reaction? A big, fat freak out followed by the need to get everything planned right now. Ok, I guess that might be two reactions but they always go hand-in-hand for me.
Lots of busy professional women I know - especially busy women executives - have this reaction. Manage, manage, manage. Do, do, do. Oh, and let's not only do all the stuff for the trip including planning for every contingency, but let's also do all those house projects that haven't been done up to now.
Suddenly the carpets need to be cleaned. The top of the dryer must be cleared. The oil changed in the car (even though it won't be driven). Good grief.
Do you see yourself in this example? I can hear you laughing so you either do or it's someone really, really close to you. The key to finding balance and joy in your life is being able to laugh - and not go back to that manic activity.
And that can be challenging for busy professional women.
Is it challenging for you - or for someone you know? Do you have any tips that help you let go and enjoy the moment? Share them below!
It's a whole new thing for us - something we have never done before, something that requires at least a little planning. A two-week trip in very close quarters with plenty of traveling between destination points - and a college football bowl game thrown in for good measure.
My first reaction? A big, fat freak out followed by the need to get everything planned right now. Ok, I guess that might be two reactions but they always go hand-in-hand for me.
Lots of busy professional women I know - especially busy women executives - have this reaction. Manage, manage, manage. Do, do, do. Oh, and let's not only do all the stuff for the trip including planning for every contingency, but let's also do all those house projects that haven't been done up to now.
Suddenly the carpets need to be cleaned. The top of the dryer must be cleared. The oil changed in the car (even though it won't be driven). Good grief.
Do you see yourself in this example? I can hear you laughing so you either do or it's someone really, really close to you. The key to finding balance and joy in your life is being able to laugh - and not go back to that manic activity.
And that can be challenging for busy professional women.
Is it challenging for you - or for someone you know? Do you have any tips that help you let go and enjoy the moment? Share them below!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Holy Cow! It's December...
If January is a time for New Year's resolutions, December may be the time for Old Year reflections. My first thought in December is usually..What the heck?! Where did the year go?!
The next reactions vary from thinking I need to somehow catch up on all the things I meant to do and didn't to just putting them on next year's list. Yeah, I tend to be a women of extremes when it comes to things like that.
As I talk to my friends, I hear a variety of comments and thoughts...
Wow...all of these busy women, some executives and some business owners, are leading full lives. Yet, they face the challenges every day and week of seeming to have to choose between the different areas of their lives. Isn't that a something we all struggle with from time to time - if not each day?
The next reactions vary from thinking I need to somehow catch up on all the things I meant to do and didn't to just putting them on next year's list. Yeah, I tend to be a women of extremes when it comes to things like that.
As I talk to my friends, I hear a variety of comments and thoughts...
- One friend is working and reworking her business plan for 2011. In the middle of that, she is thinking about a new non-profit idea and her teenage son getting his first new truck.
- Another is going back to the daily lists she created to build her business over the last several months (and didn't implement consistently) as a way to get on track for December - 2011 is on the horizon but is more of an extension, not a new start. All of this in the middle of a 2-week trip to South America followed by another one before YE.
- The corporate controller is focused on YE planning (before 12/31), YE audit (after 12/31) and how to squeeze in family time in the midst.
- She is closely followed by the marketing director who is thankful that all the holiday promotions are running instead of just being planned...and is now holding her breath that they work. But with the hardest part done, she has time now to enjoy her family, friends and all the holidays have to offer.
Wow...all of these busy women, some executives and some business owners, are leading full lives. Yet, they face the challenges every day and week of seeming to have to choose between the different areas of their lives. Isn't that a something we all struggle with from time to time - if not each day?
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