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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Is Your Bacon Burned?

Recently, a friend of mine (a mom with a full-time corporate job and a full family life) made the following post on Facebook:

Remember the jingle from the early 80's where the woman danced and sang..."I can bring home the bacon and I can fry it up in a pan"? Well, here's to hoping that woman has a full-time job, traveling husband, three busy kids and is as STRESSED out as I am right now! I hope her bacon is burned!

I'm sure you can imagine the chorus of supporting voices who joined in!

Does this sound like your life...or maybe just the life of someone you know?

Stress can seep into every corner of your day and literally make you want to burn that bacon - or someone else's. Here are some quick tips to help you destress quickly and be better able to handle the rest of your day (or night).
  • Take 10 deep, slow breaths. In less than one minute, your heart rate will approach normal and you will be in a much better frame of mind to deal with work pressures, family life and even rush hour.
  • Take a quick walk. Outside, inside, whatever. Just change your scenery. Five minutes of physical movement, especially if you can combine it with fresh air, can change your mood and your perspective.
  • Take a musical break. Music can change your mood almost immediately - especially if you choose the right kind to do just that. What is the "right kind?" It is the music that makes you smile and your toes tap. For me, that is nearly always '80's music (I know - I'm dating myself). For you, it could be Sinatra or Lady Gaga.
  • Let go of perfection.  Whether you breathe, walk or groove through it, letting go of the ideal (bringing home the bacon and frying it up in a pan) may be the biggest long-term sanity maker in your life.  It's not easy - doing really well is what you do.  Going for less than perfection can seem odd at first, but it will give you the option to focus on your real priorities instead of trying to do it all perfectly.
What's even better than doing one of these? Combining them! Listen to some relaxing music while taking those 10 deep breaths. Grab your MP3 and take it on your walk.  And, of course, you can let a little of that perfection go with every breath or every step.

Try just one of these the next time your bacon is burning...and let me know how it goes!

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